Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dawn of a New Day

I like mornings. I am not in such a hurry and the day is new and bright and everything seems fresh. Today, this morning brings more than just a new day. This morning brings a new year. Today is my birthday. 

Today marks another new beginning for me. 

Today feels good. I feel I can do what I want, not a wild freedom, but freedom that comes from life experience. Some may understand, how you have figured out what is important and what is not. You give up trying to put up with things that make you miserable. It is the red-hat thing isn’t it? Making others happy, at some point, loses its power over you, and I think that is a good thing. So, I no longer allow people to rent space in my head. 

I believe stronger than ever that beauty comes from within. I look for it, I watch for it, and it thrills me when I uncover it and behold it. I love to be surrounded by beautiful people, those with the “inside” beauty. These beautiful people are the true blessings in my life. 

I don’t know exactly when it happened, but I have recognized in myself that I have become more serious about living. I don’t want to miss a chance to laugh, a chance to sing, a chance to enjoy an evening with friends. I find giving my best makes the day better. When I do, I feel better and happier, it puts a pep in my step and a zip in my day. 

I am thankful my life is still continuing. I have heard that more people die in their fifties than any other decade. So, if I can make it through this decade, I figure I am good to go for the long haul. That is what I am hoping for. Let’s do it. Lap 55 is in the books, 56 HERE I COME! I’ll be kicking off my new year with a good dose of intensity. As my friend Phil told me the other day, “I am motivated.” I’m loving life. Of course there are problems, there always will be, and I’m not saying I have a problem-free life. We all have challenges. Yours are different than mine and mine are much different than yours. But we have what we have and we use all of our resources to face our challenges the best we can. And that is where I am at. Moving forward, hoping to have some simplicity this year balanced with accomplishments, learning more and helping people in their own personal growth without losing sight of my own. 

I feel like I am in a good rhythm right now. I enjoy using this space to stay in touch with friends. Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy discovering life along with me. Thanks for that. I am glad you are here. 

Seniordom! Maybe I should be eating at Denny’s today and getting that Senior Discount. Hey, why not? What do you think Michelle, you up for Denny's tonight? 

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes...I appreciate it so much.

Love you....Ric

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Paul McCartney Concert

We all knew it would be great. How could it not be? It was a feeling akin to being a child on Christmas Eve. Will it be as magical as I imagine? Will it really live up to the hype? McCartney delivered the goods, and then some. It was unforgettable. To hear our favorite Beatles songs from Paul McCartney himself, the legend, was nothing less than mesmerizing. His voice was as perfect as ever. He was full of energy. He so made everyone feel like there was no place he would rather be than right there singing for us. Between delivering songs old and new, he interacted with the audience and lived up to his reputation as the cute, charismatic Beatle. He would charm us all with his winks and big smiles. When his band left him alone on stage for an acoustic portion, McCartney cheekily said, “Now they’ve gone and left me here alone with you. I kind of like it.” I know I was witnessing the greatest stage personality I have ever seen. He transforms an empty stage into a spectacle. I told my wife Michelle that I felt a glimpse of what heaven must be like, musically. It just could not be any better. I am not embarrassed to say I cried, more than once, hearing the greatest songs ever written, performed by the legend of legends. It filled my heart. I, along with everyone else, had a 2 an a half hour injection/transfusion of love and peace and happiness.

Upon seeing Paul McCartney step onto the stage, I knew this was one of those unforgettable musical moments. And he gave to us completely - all that he could. He brought a coziness to the stage. He almost made you feel like you were alone with him. All along the way, after each song, he would make facial expressions to show his disbelief at the crowd's immense enthusiasm. He would take the time to “take in” the audience’s applause and love. The guy was so humble in the face of so much acclaim that it was impossible not to fall in love with him a little. He gave each song his very best. How often do we see other performers mail it in and sing through songs rushed and bored by them? I felt like he loved singing them for us as much as we loved hearing it.

Every single song within the set list was just as good - if not better - than the next. Whether it was a Fireman song, Wings song, or Beatles song, the sound was so good and McCartney's voice was impeccable. The crowd stood on their feet, swaying their hands, dancing in their seats, singing along with the familiar words. All ages were represented, young and old, and all were touched and moved to smiles and tears, and then to more smiles and then more tears. I loved hearing the thousands in the audience singing along. I know he did too.

And then, he added a song to his normal play-list for this tour. He sang Buddy Holley’s “It’s so easy to fall in love.” His way of showing his love and respect for Texas.” He had never performed it before, and he gave us a first. Again, showing the kind of guy he is.

He played his familiar bass, his ukulele, played lead guitar, the mandolin and of course, his great piano. He switches from one to another with ease, showing his skill and mastery of each.
In the end, what we got was rejuvenation and joy. What a great experience…a priceless memory …I will never forget it. Thank you Paul McCartney.

A footnote. Arlington police this morning said the hour and half delay in opening the doors at concert was caused by the worthless opening band showing up late. I hope those who passed out in the 102 heat will sue the startup band, Cowboys stadium and Arlington. And Jerry Jones, you can keep your $13 hamburgers, your $14 margaritas and I’ll just watch my games at home. Thanks anyway!

Unlike Jerry Jones, Sir Paul truly seems to make a conscious effort to give people value for their money, and recognizes what they’ve come there to see and here. In spite of Jerry Jones and his “I got-cha now” prices, I am left with the greatest appreciation of Paul McCartney, the Beatles, Paul’s lifetime of enduring music, and his unselfish love for sharing with fans worldwide. It was a pleasure and a thrill to be in the audience on this night.
Give Peace a Chance…………..Ric