Last weekend the New England Patriots lost to the Indianapolis Colts in the NFL playoffs. Anyone who watched Bill Belichick, the coach of the Patriots, as he
was interviewed after the game saw what has become an expected posture and disposition following the game. He was mad, angry, short, and not in the mood to answer any questions. Here's a guy who won three Super Bowls in a span of four years, and is touted by some as one of the greatest coaches ever. A guy who took a team that wasn't supposed to be all that good this year and brought it to within a few minutes of yet another Super Bowl. And here he was, seemingly ready to throw up on his sweat shirt as he answered questions in a barely audible monotone. He reminded me of Parcells after every loss, and in most weekly interviews also.
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And it has become expected and no longer surprising. The losing coaches and players when interviewed often are just plain ole bad sports.
Good sportsmanship occurs when teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials treat each other with respect. Kids learn the basics of sportsmanship from the adults in their lives, especially their parents and their coaches. Kids who see adults behaving in a sportsmanlike way gradually come to understand that the real winners in sports are those who know how to persevere and to behave with dignity — whether they win or lose a game.
Here are some ways that you can show others what good sportsmanship is all about:
Be polite to everyone you're playing with and against. No trash talk - which means saying mean things while you're in the middle of a game.
Don't show off. Just play your best. If you're good, people will notice.
Tell your opponents "good game!" whether you've won or you've lost. Recognize and appreciate good performances, especially by the opponent. Applause for an opponent’s good play demonstrates generosity and courtesy. It shows a true awareness of the game and athletic ability.
Learn the rules of the game. Show up for practices and games on time - even if you're the star of the team.
Listen to the coaches and follow their directions about playing.
Don't argue with an official, even if you don't agree with his or her call. Umpires are impartial and perform to the best of their abilities. Any mistakes made are part of the game and must be accepted.
Don't make up excuses or blame a teammate when you lose. Try to learn from what happened. Be positive and friendly even after losing.
Be willing to sit out so other team members can get in the game - even if you think you're a better player.
Play fair and don't cheat.
Cheer for your teammates even if the score is 1,000-1! You could inspire a big comeback
Win with class – lose with dignity.
It seems in our sports today, the concept of good sportsmanship has been lost. While winning at all costs and poor sportsmanship may be condoned and even promoted in professional sports, this does not mean it is the proper way for us normal people to behave. Whether we like it or not, sportsmanship in sports is a direct reflection of our own ethics in real life. Sportsmanship like ethics concerns both the character and the actions of an athlete. The image you project as an athlete is a product of your character. Good sportsmanship is not just what you do on the field, it is hopefully the way you conduct your life both on and off the field. In the same way, unsportsmanlike behaviour on the field is probably an indication of your off the field conduct. When I see someone displaying bad sportsmanship, I get a real clear picture of the way they act in their business dealings, their treatment of their family and others.
We can sit back and blame television and pro sports for the decline in sportsmanship but we can also take the responsibility of bringing it back into our own contests and games. It is time for all of us involved in sports of one kind or another to practice good sportsmanship. This is especially important if we are involved with children either as a parent or coach.
"For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes not that you won or lost - but how you played the game." (Grantland
Take care...Ric