The Fifty Yard Line, both a great place to watch the game from, and even when you are playing, a great place to be on the field. When your team is on the fifty, you have so many choices to choose from - go for the bomb, keep it conservative and grind it out slow and easy, or something in between. And when sitting on the sideline or in the stands, you have a great viewpoint to see the whole game and to see the big picture. You can see it all so clearly.
The highlight of my reaching the 50 yard line in life was a birthday party with my friends. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. There was such a wonderful sense of love and joy among the birthday party people. Hearing the kind comments about myself at my 50th made me feel like I was at my funeral without having to die.
Reaching this important yard line, I noticed a few things about myself:
My eyesight has changed, and not for the better.
My hearing has changed, and not for the better.
My reflexes have changed, and not for the better.
My pant size has changed, and not for the better.
My healing time has changed, and not for the better.
On the other hand, I am more patient than ever before (this might not be saying much).
I know more than ever before.
I can anticipate things better than ever before.
I am more analytical than ever before.
I am friendlier than ever before.
I am more confident than ever before.
I laugh more than ever before.
I am wiser than ever before.
Now the second list is a good one, a darned good one, but in my mind, all of this could deteriorate in the next decade or two. I am hoping not. I am only going to be positive.
Being on the 50 yard line is not a bad thing at all, in and of itself. I can see that there could be a time when I know I shall be ready to go, or that the plan to punch my ticket is something far beyond my control. When much younger I looked to the age of 50 as something far far off, and now that it has arrived, I look at the final curtain in just the same way. None of us wants to leave early and it is with the energy I now possess that I plan to set in motion those things that give me the best chance of staying to see the whole show. The wisdom of age is the ability to
employ whatever it takes to let you enjoy being older.
I have found the fifty yard line to be very liberating. I feel alot of the emotional and spiritual work I have been doing for many years is “finally” coming together in an extremely empowering and exciting way. I feel more like myself than I have ever felt before. It feels wonderful! My creativity is extremely high. The only problem is finding the time to do all I want to do! Is it a time when everything “goes right?” I think we all have our individual journeys to undertake. What “goes right” for one may not be the “right” thing for another. But everything shows up in our lives to enable us to move forward on our spiritual path and with our lives true mission. I believe we are all here to heal ourselves and to learn to love and forgive ourselves and all others. I believe all of the situations whether we perceive them “right” or “wrong” are opportunities to do this. I look forward to moving into my power even more as I learn to balance and heal every aspect of my life on this beautiful planet!
I have been enjoying my view at the fifty yard line. And to those who are just now getting to their seat, relax, you are going to love the game from the fifty yard line. And I certainly will enjoy having you seated with me.
Wishing you the best...Ric
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