We went out to the Rangers game last night.
What a night to be there. Two home runs. One grand slam. Two triples by Sammy Sosa. A 8 run 5th inning. A win, 14-4.
And then the foul ball. We get there, and right there in the first inning, I said to my wife, "I think I am going to catch a foul ball tonight." Sure enough, a couple of innings later here comes one our way, but just above us into the deck above us, but ooopps...it drops and falls into the seat right in front of me. But I didn't go for it cause this dad was picking it up for his little kid. I think to myself...well...that was my chance for a foul ball. But no...a couple of innings later, here comes another one, this time right to me - I take off my hat to try and catch it in my hat, but I missed...but somehow it bounced around and came right back to me. I just bent down and picked it up. It was amazing.
And the best part.....good company. My lovely Michelle...and ED and Lora...I had a great time.
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