As little kids, a conversation as simple as: 'Can you make Space Dust come out of your nose?' can be the foundation of a lifelong friendship.
As grownups, it is usually a camaraderie for something that bonds people together.
We make many friendships in a lifetime I guess, but only ever likely to maintain a handful. Very few stand the test of time. Somehow we get disconnected from each other. We get married, we move away, and life happens. It's so difficult to make new friends. The trouble is, as you get older you are more demanding about who you want to spend time with.
I have learned through the unavoidable task of self evaluation, that, the truth is, we are connected, like it or not. No man is an island. My life is in yours and yours in mine. We have invested our love and our passion in so many lives, in so many places, in so many seasons. We have even, on occasion, thrown caution to the wind, diving headlong, vulnerable, just to give of ourselves, mixed motives and all - admittedly. And we also have received much, maybe not always even noticing, nevertheless we know beyond a doubt, it was love that was given to us.
In my self evaluation, I have found that your love and your friendship are the sources of the most of my smiles. It is you who brings joy to my life. You enrich me in ways I often failed to notice. But now I am on to you, and just want to say thank you, for making me the richest man in town.
See you soon....Ric
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