Thursday, September 13, 2007

My 3 Angels

Angels have always been one of my favorite subjects, as they represent the good and true things in life. Angels are always among us. A world without Angels would be a world without grace and beauty. Angels are the guardians of our well being and serve as inspiration to that which we should aspire to, in order to live a life that is happy harmonious and fulfilling.

Angels are sent by God to bring the truth, especially the big truths, to specific people in critical situations

Angels guide us in the way God wants us to go in a specific situation, sometimes calling us to take a specific action.

Angels have another task : that of protecting people. In their protective roles, angels are in no way Precious Moments-like creampuffs. They can be the fiercest of warriors and the swiftest of rescuers, and angelic determination knows no bounds. After all, they're on a mission. From God.

Where big things are happening, angels are there.

When angels "appear" to humans, so as not to scare them, they usually appear in the form that those humans "expect" angels to look like. But this may be nothing at all like the form they normally take (if any!)

And of course, angels are famous for their angelic choirs. It is not uncommon to have 50,000 angels singing in exquisite unison. Why do angels have such beautiful voices? Simple - because they have beautiful feelings. When you pick up the phone, you can immediately tell how the other person is feeling from their tone of voice. The tone of the voice always has encoded within it the emotional state of that person in that instant. This is true of humans, elementals, and of course angels. If you wish to have a more beautiful voice, rather than taking voice lessons - get to the source, the cause - just focus on cultivating more beautiful feelings! When angels greet each other, it is a triumphant and ecstatic symphony of gorgeous colors, music, fragrances, and feelings.

Angels want to serve you! They also want to play with you! They even want to worship with you!

The appearance of wings in many of the depiction's of Angels, is merely to portray their flight between heaven and earth... call it artistic license, but it serves as a reminder that they are not of this earth plane.

Angels will always be necessary in the lives of men, as long as people are of closed mind and hardness of heart, lacking compassion, understanding, forgiveness, faith, love, and trust to name but a few of the virtues that Angels have.

My 3 Angels…… Ric Justiss

They Guide Me
They Protect Me
They Sustain Me

Why I was given 3 angels I don't know
But they watch over me wherever I go.

They keep each day perfect,
Chosen by God, handpicked.

They know me inside and out.
They know what I am all about.

The keepers of magic and dreams
Keeping me safe, what a great team.

My 3 angels, filling me with Love
A perfect Love, sent from above.

Somehow they always know,
And help me find a place, just when I think
there is no place to go.

They are the music in my heart.
They are my solace and my rampart.

They see me through the darkest hours.
And cheer me like a bouquet of flowers.

So if you see me out in a bit
Don't mind the angels in my pocket

They will always be on board
Leading me home to My Sweet Lord.

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