Nothing is better than a good kiss. Nothing makes the birds seem to sing louder, the grass seem greener than a great kiss. A great kiss can easily make you dizzy with desire! The kiss prepares the participants for the love life of the future. It is the foundation, the starting point of sexual love. And it is for that reason that the manner in which the kiss is performed is so vitally important.
You've read about kissing, but not really too much about methods. Let's talk about different ways that you can kiss. Take some notes and practice on your woman. She will love the new attention.
Men, My first bit of advice is just this: Lesson One……. Kiss her! Put some meaning behind it, some enthusiasm. Kiss her as though, at that moment, nothing else exists in the world. Kiss her as though your entire life is wrapped up into the period of the kiss. Kiss her as though there is nothing else that you would rather be doing. Kiss her! Don't be in a hurry! As in all matters pertaining to love, don't hurry the process of kissing. A kiss is too rapturous a thing to be enjoyed for the moment and the moment only. Linger longer on her lips than you have ever lingered before. Forget time. Forget everything but the kiss in which you are in the midst of. It has been said that “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
Secondly, at this point, it should be explained that the lips are not the only part of the body which should be joined in kissing. Every lover is a glutton. He wants everything that is part of his sweetheart, everything. That is why, when kissing, there should be as many contacts, bodily contacts, as is possible. Snuggle up closely together. Feel the warm touch of each other's bodies. Be so close that the rise and fall of each other's bosoms is felt by one another. Get next to each other. Heaven will be in that union!
But with these lessons firmly in your mind, there are many ways to approach the kiss. First there is the domination kiss. We all have seen those WWII clips of them men coming back from battle and kissing their wives. This is a kiss with some power behind it. It can say many things. A kiss like this will knock her off of her feet! Maybe you might use this kiss if you haven't seen her for awhile.
Then there is the exploration kiss. This is where you spend some time getting to know her mouth. This is a fun one from time to time. It shows that you are interested in her. You are learning new ways to excite her. This can be good for both of you. Good for you because you will learn new things that turn her on. Great for her because she will love the attention!
The peck before bed. You know that little peck as you say good night and right before you roll over to go to sleep? It doesn't have to be such a little innocent kiss. Instead, look into her eyes when she gives you that little peck. Run your fingers through her hair and tell her that you love her. This will give her sweet dreams all night long.
Just like the peck before bed, turn that peck before you leave for work into something special. Tell her you love her…….and that you will be thinking about her all day long while at work. Look her in the eyes and smile when you say it. This will keep her waiting for when you get home. Never leave home without it.
And there is the classic Cheek Kiss - A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. Often the preferred kissing method you reserve for your grandmother. But, with your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek. Every kiss does not have to be on the lips. Variety works and this sort of kiss has its place.
Of course there is the French Kiss - This kiss involves the tongue. Some call this the "Soul Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the French call this "The English Kiss.” French kissing involves tongue contact, and there's really no right or wrong way to do it. But there certainly are plenty of preferences! I’ll just say go slow with this and once initiated, then follow her. She will let you know what she likes.
Oh, and how a bout that Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.
Kissability - When was the last time you saw someone you'd like to kiss? Chances are it was someone who had a winning smile, a pleasing personality, and nice clothes. You don't need to look like a supermodel to be kissable. Just start by improving your smile. Look in a mirror and practice. Then try smiling at your computer. Yes, smiling at inanimate objects will train you to smile better! Then start smiling at people. It's easy! Next time you wish to impress someone, flash that smile!
You may not know it, but a kiss holds a lot of power to a woman. With the right kiss she can be yours. A kiss is an effective way to show affection. If you want to show that you love her and are thinking about her, a great way to show it is a kiss. This will make her feel warm and fuzzy inside and know that you care. Kissing shows interest. It may be sexual or love, but it does it all the same. Your woman will respond to this the same way time and time again. She will be happy to feel your lips on hers. Don't forget, you can never have too many kisses in your lifetime. Kisses cost nothing. So kiss on. Keep on kissing.
But remember, a man’s kiss is his signature.
'Twas not my lips you kissed, But my soul
~Judy Garland
Wishing you the best, Ric