The Beatles song " Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da " has this great line about how life goes on.
“ Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah!...La la how the life goes on.”
Indeed it does. Sometimes we just have to let things go the way they need to go, and not worry about them.
In the midst of our fears and sorrows, a new spirit can emerge, one you can see at stores and ball-games and concerts. People are being kinder, more open, more sympathetic, more involved. Last week I encountered a car in traffic and the driver, instead of having road rage, gave me the best smile and wave. I felt like pulling her over and giving her a hug.
I see people trying to be happy. And friendly. And loving
Yes, we are surrounded by bad things all the time….like death. Sometimes it hits close to home. We lose those close to us. It has been attention grabbing this week, for me. I don’t like it, but I have learned to accept it. Life is often unfair. Injustices abound all around us.
And then there are the liars…..criminals….and of course the always present ….bad luck. But what are you to do about it?
Often we have decisions to make, even sometimes, important ones. And we agonize over them. But sometimes in life you take a leap of faith. The faith we have is not a faith that God will rescue us physically and make sure that everything is okay. The Creator of the Universe has obviously made peace with the idea of mostly letting things unfold here according to our choices and the natural movement of the planet. The faith we have comes with believing that it was the right thing for us to do. The right thing!!! We feel peace about it. So we hold hands, we pray and we jump. And life goes on. So, I just try to be happy and cheerful and smile a lot and move along with it. It is a good thing, isn't it, to know that change comes - sometimes big changes, substantial ones, that alter our life in big ways. It's good to know this and not be surprised and suspicious of it. Some days our life continues according to our routine, and sometimes not, but definitely, life goes on. If u want some fun say ob la di bla da!!
Wishing you well, Ric
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