Let’s say I wanted someone to seduce me.
And let’s say, for the sake of argument, that said ’someone’ was a woman. (HaHa-Duh!)
I would want her to have a shower before she came to meet me, and I would expect she would shave her legs. She might wear make-up, and perhaps spray some perfume, or essential oil. She might spend a long time choosing what to wear. Heels, perhaps, or maybe flats. Earrings? Possibly. And, depending on her mood, she might want to emphasize her curves, or maybe hide them; she might accentuate her breasts or rein them in. She would give plenty of attention to the way she looks.
In the moment when we meet - she would want me to experience attraction towards her. This wouldn’t (I’d like to think) necessarily require a cleavage, skirt, or heels - or even make-up or perfume. But, during the course of the evening, she would want her body to be clothed - or exposed - in such a way, that she could allure my attraction, play with it and incite it. She would be expressing herself and communicating with me through her chosen appearance. But also through her personality and attitudes. Her charms would be many. Her smile. Her dress. Her smell. Her softness. Her demeanor. Her spirit. She would radiate beauty in every way. How could I resist her?
If you think of this with wisdom, you will see that womanly qualities are soft and delicate. In the decorations of womanliness, there is a beauty that is like gold, a beauty that attracts. The energy in their faces and bodies is like a magnet.
This gentleness and outer softness attracts through this outer magnetism residing in the face and form of a woman. In addition to all her outward beauties, the qualities of humility, reverence, devotion to God, beauty, and grace are the qualities of womanliness, the beautiful qualities. She is beautiful outwardly in appearance, but also so beautiful inwardly in character. Her strengths are kindness and thoughtfulness. Others look to her for encouragement, for cheerfulness and for confidence. Her convictions are strong. Her speech is wholesome. Her spirit is loving. Her beauty is undeniable. Like a cool spring of water, she is an unending source of all that is refreshing and good and wonderful.
Womanliness means the personification of, the human expression, as it were, of true beauty.
I like to call it, just … being a lady.
And being a lady, is very seductive. Always!
Take care...Ric
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