We battened down the hatches over here over the weekend. We were ready for the worst. We were stocked up on water and chocolate and nail polish, ready to ride out the storm. We had the essentials. We secured everything that might blow away and then we hunkered down. We were ready at any moment to go to the bathroom and lay down with a mattress over our head. Because we are prepared like that. Luckily we were spared this time around. We dodged another bullet. We are all safe. All is well and I hope you and yours are safe as well. But always remember…..in a bad storm, any port will do. In an emergency, when the storms of life come at you, always take and accept help from any source, in any place, even from an unpleasant person. Do what you have to do. There comes a time when we have to hunker down.
Be happy….Ric
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