Men, according to the study, spend months of their lives waiting on their women, from last-minute outfit changes, choosing shoes, twirls in front of the mirror and rummages in the handbag, to the normal showering, shaving, fixing hair and doing makeup, nails, choosing accessories and such. From 50 minutes to get ready for work, to and hour and a half or more, for an evening out is normal.
This got me to thinking.
If you spend that much time getting ready, you surely want someone to notice. Compliments are expected, right? Or are they?
You can’t compliment a girl at work anymore. Someone will take it the wrong way and make a federal case out of it. Just out and about, it is awkward to compliment a stranger.
I always feel good when I receive a compliment, but it also makes me feel good to give a compliment. You cannot give a sincere compliment without feeling great. You focus on someone else and try to make them feel good by saying something very nice to them, and it somehow makes you feel good too. Let’s face it, everyone loves a compliment. It makes us smile. We feel good about ourselves. It’s a lovely thing. Lovely to receive, and feels good to pass em out.
I keep finding myself in positions where I’d really like to compliment someone but am afraid of coming across as creepy and/or a thousand other awful things, and it’s annoying me. What do you think are the rules, if any, of giving compliments?
Nevertheless, at the risk of coming across as a weirdo, I still just go forward and try to be most sincere. I don’t say if I don’t mean it. I try to be brief, and go on to something else right away, or just walk away. It’s not a line used to get a date. It is just a sincere compliment. Nothing more.
And I don’t just compliment pretty girls. I compliment anyone and everyone that does or has done something that impresses me. Do a good job at work and I will tell you so. Make a good pool shot, and I will tell you so. Do anything special, and if I notice, I will congratulate you on it. That is just the way I am.
Have a great weekend....Ric
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