As I drove into work this morning, there was little traffic, but I could not go over 25 mph without losing control of my truck. The ice was everywhere, not just bridges and overpasses. My truck was covered with ice as I went out to start it up, and when I parked it at work it was still covered in ice. The ice sickles and the ice on the hood were not melted by my hour long drive into work. My truck looked just as frozen when I arrived as when I left.
My friend Melissa says she has a big ole bruise thanks to the ice. That ice is so unforgiving. It was 13 years ago in January when my wife fell on the ice on the sidewalk as she was walking into her office. She suffered a hip injury that even today still gives her problems. I have had all the adventures I hope to have in the ice on either sidewalks or the highways.
The roads looked clear but it was deceiving. I couldn't do over 25 or 30 mph. There is a lot of black ice, I noticed, as I slipped and slid all over the place in my drive to work. My office at Jones Day did not open until noon today, but I tried to get in by 10:00. It was something out there this morning.
Thankfully, the sun will come out tomorrow. It always does in Texas.
Ya'll be safe out there....Ric
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